The Complementary and Alternative Medicine Education (EDUCAM) School of\nOsteopathy, following the earthquake that occurred in Amatrice-Italy on\nAugust 24th 2016, promoted the project â??Una mano per la saluteâ? [One hand\nfor health], aimed at giving therapeutic support to the population affected by\nthis cataclysm. A review of the literature in the osteopathic field has been\nperformed to identify a more functional approach to quickly relieve the inhabitants\nfrom the shock they suffered, and to identify the techniques with\ngreater effectiveness on the stress axis. The protocol of ten chosen techniques\nwill then be verified later in a pilot study, to check whether and how a protocol\nof osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) might play a clinically relevant\nrole in the management of subjects exposed to extraordinary exogenous\nstress and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) prevention, in addition\nto the psychological therapy treatments in use today.